Girl Scout Cookie Order Form In 5 Steps [+ Example]

The Girl Scout cookie season can be a time of great excitement (and chaos) and we’re here to make your journey as smooth as possible. With a Cheddar Up, you simply set up your Girl Scout cookie order form, share it with your community, and start collecting payments.  You get the perfect blend of traditional charm and digital convenience to make your cookie season effortless.  

Below are the key steps to set up an efficient cookie sale. 

How to create a Girl Scout cookie order form

Gone are the days of generic RSVPs. Cheddar Up’s ticketing feature lets you add event-specific information to your tickets like date, time, and location. When you add a ticket, default fields for first name, last name, and email address are automatically associated with it. This ensures you can connect with each attendee personally. In just a few steps, you can create event tickets:

Step #1: Building an appetizing cookie order form

Begin with an engaging title like “Troop [Number]’s Cookie Extravaganza!” Add essential details such as dates for order and delivery and the troop’s contact information.  Leverage our items and forms features to capture everything you need from buyers:

  • Items: List all the cookie types available for sale and buyers can add as many types and quantities as they like to their cart.
  • Forms: Collect information for delivery/pick-up requests and any other important notes.
Trail Mix Fundraiser

Step #2: Enhancing the buying experience

Wow your customers by adding custom images of cookies, enticing banners, and personalized thank-you messages in your receipts. This personal touch not only makes the ordering process enjoyable, but also reflects the spirit of the Girl Scouts.

Here are some page banners you can use to start your collection:

Step #3: Sharing Your Girl Scout Cookie Order Form

This may be the most important step and with Cheddar Up, it’s the easiest step.  You can create a custom URL or QR code to easily share your Girl Scout cookie order form through email, flyers, or social media.  Share the link with your troop, families, and community. Encourage your troop members to share the form within their networks for maximum impact.

Step #4: Using Cheddar Up Card Readers for In-Person Sales

For in-person cookie booths or events, use Cheddar Up’s card readers to make transactions quick and secure. These nifty gadgets allow for swift, hassle-free transactions, ensuring no customer walks away due to lack of cash.  Plus, they integrate directly with your account, making it easy to track both online and offline sales in one place.

Pro Tip:

Need volunteers to sign up for booth slots?  We can help with that too!

card reader for school fundraising

Step #5: Monitoring and Managing Your Sales

Utilize Cheddar Up’s reporting features to monitor the progress of your sales. Stay connected with your troop and supporters through the messaging center.  You can share important updates, send delivery or pick up reminders, and celebrate milestones.

card reader for school fundraising

Girl Scout cookie order form made easy

Cheddar Up is your go-to solution for a stress-free and successful cookie season. It streamlines the ordering process, makes payments a breeze, and even supports in-person sales. Start creating your Girl Scout Cookie Order Form with Cheddar Up and watch your sales soar!

Collect for FREE

Whether you’re collecting dues and fees, fundraising, managing an event, creating a sign up, or selling something online or in-person, you can do it with a Cheddar Up collection.