Group gift graphic

Easily collect money online for group gifts

From teacher gifts to coach gifts, Cheddar Up makes group gift money collection easy and free.

Trusted by thousands of volunteers and professionals at groups just like yours

Group gifts minus the busy work

Cheddar Up was built to make collecting group gift payments online easy and intuitive. Start collecting in minutes—simply create a collection page and share the link. All payments and information are tracked automatically and easily exported to Excel. No more data entry!

Group gift example collection

Step 1: Create

Create a free account on Cheddar Up and build a collection page for anything. Add unlimited items and form fields to collect money online.

Step 2: Share

Share a link with your community in an email, text, website or social post.

Step 3: Manage

Instantly track all gift payments and information. Withdraw funds directly to your bank account for free.

Collecting payments for group gifts from lots of people?

Cheddar Up keeps it simple, free and all in ONE SPOT. Avoid payments coming at you from all directions and automatically track payments and payer information for group gifts. Even better? Anyone can pay you online. Your payers don‘t need to create an account or download an app.

• Free for collectors

• All payments in one spot

• Include forms

• Payers don’t need an app or account

• Download the app and collect on-the-go

• Automatic reminders and follow-up

Lady sending a group gift card
Gift card carousel

Enhance your group gifts with Cheddar Up’s gift card store

Simply withdraw funds directly to the gift card store and the recipient will be sent a link to pick out their gift card. This gives them the freedom to choose from hundreds of popular retailers and services, ensuring they receive a gift they love.

Eliminate the guesswork and hassle of gift selection. With Cheddar Up, the perfect gift is just a few clicks away, making the entire process easy for both the giver and the receiver.

Get the gift cards they want: Amazon, Mastercard, Doordash, Chipotle, Home Depot, Airbnb, Dunkin’… and so many more!

Collect for just about anything with Cheddar Up

Every day groups find and use Cheddar Up in new and creative ways to collect money from their community. Membership fees, HOA dues, tuition, spirit wear, troop dues, group gifts, after-school programs, events, fundraisers and beyond. How will you put it to work?

Group Gift campaign example
"collect pta payments"

Multiple Managers

Add Managers and set permissions to control what they can do and access.
"collect pta payments"

Account-wide Reporting

Access a global summary with detail across all of your collections.
"collect pta payments"

Collection Group Page

Share one link and payers can browse all of your collections at once.
"collect pta payments"

Recurring Payments

Allow your community to make repeat payments automatically.

You’re in good company

Each month, Cheddar Up serves thousands of groups and communities across the US, helping them collect millions of dollars in payments (plus information) for just about anything. But don’t take our word for it, check out Cheddar Up reviews from our users.

”Last year, Josh won 2 silver and 1 bronze medal in the Special Olympics bike races. To help keep Josh improving, we used  Cheddar Up to raise funds to buy him a new, faster bike to race and in a matter of hours, we raised more than our intended goal. Cheddar app made the process quick and easy for our club members to donate.”
Kevin Otolski

Evansville Bicycle Club

Cheddar Up is an alternative to Venmo and PayPal that’s made for groups

While we’re big fans of Venmo for paying back a friend and we admire PayPal’s sheer reach, collecting both payments and information from tens or hundreds or even thousands of people requires well…more. Here is a little background and a quick look at how Cheddar Up stacks up.

Made for groups
Friction-free payments and group tracking
No app necessary
Pay without downloading an app or creating an account
Payments and forms
Collect money AND information (no more separate forms)
Custom payment pages
Online payment pages for anything (events, dues, donations...)
Easy handoff
Easily pass the reigns or share duties with an online history
Item and collection-specific reporting
Detailed tracking makes reporting a breeze
Integrated point of sale
Online and in-person payments and tracking in one spot
Cheddar Up

Ready to start?

Kick the tires

Create a free account and build a collection to see how easy it is to collect money.

Watch a demo

Learn everything you need to know to get started in six minutes!

See all features

Check out more features that help groups like yours collect payments and Information.