Showcase all of your collections on a single page

Create a one-stop shop experience for your community with our Group Page. Put all your collections in one place, customize your page and share one universal URL.

Custom Page

Custom Page

Create a web page for your group

Make your Group Page your own by adding your logo, organization name, tagline, and social media profiles. Create an online presence for your community within seconds.

Custom URL

Custom URL

Customize your URL

One of the best things about our Group Page is the ability to share one URL instead of many. Consider customizing your URL to make it shorter and more unique. Then share it with your community to use forevermore!

Collection Showcase

Collection Showcase

Feature all your active collections in one place

You’re in control of which collections to feature on your Group Page. Imagine all your fundraisers, events, registrations and online stores in one spot! Even create category headers to keep your page organized.
Provide your group with a one-stop-shop for all of your collections.

Our PTA has had great success using Cheddar Up for our fundraising needs and selling swag. All of our sales and fundraising is in one place.

Angela Butherus, CMS Cougars PTA President

Learn what you can do with Cheddar Up

Collect info alongside payment or standalone

Keep your group informed with our messaging tools

Always-there data and tools to make managing easy

You’ll want to ask your group’s organizer for a link. For privacy reasons, it’s not possible to search for this on Cheddar Up.

Learn more about paying on Cheddar Up