Built for all kinds of groups
Trusted by 100,000+ groups and non-profits including:

Average 4.8 stars from over 2k ratings on iOS
Flexible enough to collect money for just about anything
We’re made for groups

Frictionless Payments
Your community can pay without ever downloading an app or creating an account.

Instant Tracking
Automatically track all payments and responses without spreadsheets, download the data you need.

Payments + Forms
Collect money and information without paper or separate forms (e.g. t-shirt size, sign the waiver, etc.)

One Place
One-stop shopping for your community with events, sales, fundraising, and registrations all in one place.

“For our soccerathon, we collect everyone’s t-shirt size. And for after-school enrichment, we have to collect signed waivers. With Cheddar Up, collecting payments plus that information is simple. It’s SUCH a clean platform.”
Andrea Fraser, PTA Volunteer Montclair, New Jersey
• Soccerthon
• Mum Sale
• Gala Corporate Sponsorship
• Spirit wear and more… Read her story
Ready to start?
Kick the tires
Create a free account and build a collection to see how easy it is to collect money.
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Custom libraries, co-branding and reporting are just a few of our partner perks.