When it comes to payment platforms and online group management tools, we know the options aren’t exactly few and far between. That’s why we’re so glad you’re here! And while we think we’ve built some great features that solve your pain points, it’s our users that really make Cheddar Up stand out. We wouldn’t be here without you, and we’re so grateful for this community. Here are five (out of hundreds) reasons why.
1. Cheddar Up users unite people.
You all take your own time to organize an effort or event or activity that brings people together for the good of the group. It feels great to work every day on something that supports communities across North America — and as a result, that community-building focus means we have the joy of working with some kind, amazing people. Here’s just one example.
2. Customer input has helped us build a user-first, user-friendly platform.
When we say we listen to user feedback, we mean it! We read, listen, and consider any ideas our users bring. After all, the very mission behind Cheddar Up is to create an efficient resource that meets your group’s needs. Our detailed reporting center? Based on your requests. Our variety of forms? Influenced by you. Item variations? You all told us you wanted to have a dropdown of sizes for each type of T-shirt.
3. Creativity is off the charts.
We get a front-row seat to all the amazing collections created on Cheddar Up — and wow, they just keep getting better! Not only do we love your event ideas, flamingo flocking seasons, gifting solutions, everything-a-thon fundraisers, and reunion plans, but some of you create the most beautiful banner and item images. Take a look at some of these “sharp ideas”.
4. You rave about Cheddar Up to your friends.
Word-of-mouth got us started, and it remains one of our most powerful tools. Cheddar Up users spread the word far and wide about how simple the platform is to use and how much it has helped. We owe so much of our success to our users — so as a thank you, we pay you for referrals through our affiliate program. Don’t miss out!
5. You inspire us to lend a hand.
We’ve recognized the heavy-lifting of group organizers, and it makes us want to better support those people in our circles. We go to the PTA meetings, buy the reunion tickets, donate to the community fundraiser, pay our own group fees quickly (or at least we try!) because we’ve seen how the smallest efforts from participants can make a difference.
In short, before you go
Our users are awesome, and we’re so thankful for you. If the feeling is mutual, send us a note. We love hearing from you!