Tis the season for twinkling lights, mistletoe, and a golden opportunity to bring your community together for a good cause. We’re talking about a Christmas ornament fundraiser that not only sparks joy, but also makes collecting funds easier than finding Rudolph’s red nose on a foggy night.

Step 1: Gather your elves
First thing’s first, rally your team—whether it’s your PTA, local club, or a group of holiday-enthusiast friends. Discuss the who, what, and why of your Christmas ornament fundraiser. Are you raising money for new school books, a community project, or perhaps to support a local charity? Decide on your mission and let it guide you.

Step 2: Sprinkle a little Cheddar Up magic
No need for stacks of order forms or complicated spreadsheets. With Cheddar Up, you can quickly create an online collection that showcases your ornament designs complete with descriptions and visuals. This example collection can be used by your team to get started and you can update the pricing and ornament details.

Step 3: Find your pricing sweet spot
Remember, this is a fundraiser, so think about your cost, markup, and what people will be willing to shell out for a keepsake. With Cheddar Up’s flexible collection options, you can even allow for additional donations in addition to the ornament, letting those who wish to give more do so effortlessly.
Offer a bundle! If you have one ornament for $10, offer three for $25 to encourage bulk purchases.

Step 4: Share the joy of your
Christmas ornament fundraiser
Spread the holiday cheer far and wide. With Cheddar Up, sharing your collection is as easy as pie. Simply grab your custom link and send it out via email, social media, or even in a handwritten note for a personal touch.

Step 5: Enjoy the sleigh ride
As orders roll in, all payments and data are automatically tracked in real-time. Forget about chasing down checks or counting cash. Plus, our easy-to-read reports make fulfillment a breeze. Now, all that’s left to do is to distribute the ornaments and watch your community light up with joy.
Start your Christmas ornament fundraiser
If you’ve been dreaming of a simple and rewarding way to bring in some extra funds this holiday season, a Christmas ornament fundraiser might just be your holiday miracle. So, why wait? Create your collection today and let Cheddar Up make your fundraising festivities merrier than ever!