Track & Manage: User Management

Invite managers
to your Cheddar
Up account

Have a team or committee members who want to get in on your Cheddar Up fun? Add them as a manager so they can help and stay informed.



Invite managers to join your account

Share some of your Cheddar Up responsibilities or give others a window into recent account activity by inviting managers. Let managers access collection-specific reporting — great for when you’re updating event headcounts, etc.



Decide what managers can see and do

Account owners can decide which collections managers can access and assign them a spcific role. You control who can view, create or edit collections or make withdrawals. Managers will never be able to see your detailed banking information.

 Manager Login

Manager Login

Give managers their own secure login

Once managers accept your invitation, they’ll have their own secure login credentials to access your account (based on permissions granted). No need to share login credentials!

Make sure your group’s payments are in good hands, even after your term.

We can refer to previous years‘ information as we have change in board members or committee members yearly. Having something to look back on helps the new people that come along, plus you can refer to what your sales looked like, what was charged, etc.

Barb Steffen, Manhattan 114 PTO

Learn what you can do with Cheddar Up