We’ve had a lot of HOAs move into Cheddar Up’s online-payment neighborhood lately. Hi, we’re so happy to have you! Here’s a look at some of the most clever, most organized collections we’ve seen these users create for community events and happenings. Grab one of their...
Tee It Up: Create a Golf Tournament Registration Form
Create an all-in-one Golf Tournament Registration Form with contact details, handicap info, and online payment in minutes – free!
Outdoor HOA Events
Outdoor HOA events are a great way to get people out of the house and into the neighborhood.Summer is the perfect opportunity to create community among your neighborhood and HOA. Below are are three of our favorite outdoor HOA event ideas and tips for getting the word...
HOA Payment Processing – Accept Credit Cards and eChecks
Innovate Your HOA Payment Processing with Cheddar Up: Fast, Secure, and EasyLike many volunteer-run organizations, updating existing processes might not always be your priority. But when timeliness, efficiency, and convenience are at stake, it's time to embrace...
How to Set Up Recurring Donations and Payments + Examples
There are many instances in which it may make sense to use recurring donations or payments for your group as a means to collect more, easier. Here, we arm you with information on how to set up recurring donations and payments, ways to use and configure them, as well...